Public research
Public research in the field of cancer is based in Toulouse on three major entities : Inserm, Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier and CNRS. These establishments are regularly asked to bring their skills in a context of joint research projects. The Oncopole hosts and closely associates with private healthcare and research, as well as research units (UMR or UMS). By bringing together human and technical resources, the public research teams are working to multiply the targeted actions and, ultimately, promising therapeutic strategies.
Inserm, National Institute of Health and Medical Research |
The University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UPS) | CNRS, National Centre for Scientific Research |
Inserm is the only French public organization entirely dedicated to biological, medical and population health. Its researchers are dedicated to the study of all human diseases, whether common or rare. Inserm is a founding member of the National Alliance for Life Sciences and Health (AVIESAN). Founded in 2009, AVIESAN is in charge of the strategic analysis and national programming of research in the biological and medical fields. |
The University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier trains students in science, health, engineering, technology and sport. It develops one of the most important centers of French scientific research. Diversity allows to cover all the scientific field related to cancer, and increase the required supply in education and training. |
Main body of multidisciplinary research in France, CNRS conducts research in all scientific, technological and societal areas. CNRS is present in all major disciplines grouped into ten institutes including three national ones. |
Inserm, National Institute of Health and Medical Research
Inserm in Occitanie
16 teams working on cancer: basic research, pre-clinical, clinical or public health. Most of these teams are integrated into the Cancer Research Center of Toulouse
In France, Inserm is a key player in cancer research with 175 laboratories and nearly 20% of the budget of the Institute. In this fight, the Institute is first line among its partners. To his credit:
- The diversity of research in biology,
- Its close ties with the hospital world and a network of researchers/clinicians
- Its outstanding results in cancer biology,
- Innovation diagnosis,
- The health of the populations.
The Inserm missions
- Initiate and support research excellence in the fields of biology, medicine and public health;
- Promote the transfer of know-how and development results in health products;
- Inform and disseminate knowledge to public authorities and the civil society.
The Toulouse III University - Paul Sabatier
The Toulouse III University - Paul Sabatier (UPS) develops very high level public research, partly linked to centers of excellence. It forges in this context numerous partnerships with leading research organizations and justifies as such an essential role in the Oncopole.{0}Its research structures under joint supervision are recognized in Europe and in the world.
The Toulouse III University - Paul Sabatier with its partners (Inserm, CHU, Institut Claudius Regaud le projet CAPTOR :
- Works at the development of new drugs
- Merges basic research, clinical research, social studies, oncology issues and appropriate ongoing training for new professions related to the fight against cancer.
The entire health training welcomes 12,245 students in the first common year of doctoral health studies. Health education of Toulouse III University - Paul Sabatier is divided between:
- Purpan and Rangueil Faculties of Medicine
- Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Faculty of Dental Surgery
- "Biology, health and biotechnology" Doctoral School
- Life Science division : basic biology, health, environment and agrobioscience
CNRS, National Centre for Scientific Research
CNRS in Midi-Pyrenees
- 75 operational research structures in all fields of knowledge and interfaces of different disciplines,
- Including 16 laboratories and 6 research federations in life sciences.
Several scientific teams from CNRS working in the field of cancer.
Some are located on the Oncopole's site:
- Within ITAV (Institute of Advanced Technologies in Life Sciences), Service and Research Unit (USR).His vocation : Conduct interdisciplinary research with high potential in the areas of innovation, life dynamics study, and innovation for diagnosis and therapy. This institute is housed in the Pierre Potier Centre - Toulouse Metropole building it shares with a business incubator dedicated to Biotechnology.
- Within the Cancer Research Center of Toulouse, CRCT, dedicated to cancer-related basic, pre-clinical and clinical research.
« The CNRS is strongly involved, through several of its on-site laboratories in Toulouse cancer research. This is one of the first organizations to be concretely committed to the site with the installation of ITAV Oncopole, a projects hotel located near a business incubator dedicated to biotechnology. »

« The investment of Inserm in this project to build a research hospital is a first in our history »
Inserm Regional Delegate Occitanie , Limousin