Captor, Cancer Pharmacology of Toulouse-Oncopole and Region
CAPTOR: winning science project in March 2012, after the "Future Investments" call for projects and in addition to the "University Hospital Institutes" calls for proposals launched in 2010 by the National Research Agency (ANR). Objective: To establish a center of excellence dedicated to research, training, social support and innovative treatments in oncology. It is a five-year funding of €10 million.
CAPTOR in brief
University Hospital Cancer of Toulouse
Drugs are now the major treatment against cancer. CAPTOR (Cancer Pharmacology of Toulouse-Oncopole and Region) project is a large research project on innovation, evaluation, dissemination of anti-cancer drugs as well as training in these areas. CAPTOR project is coordinated by Prof. Guy LAURENT, hematologist at the University Hospital of Toulouse and supported by the University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier. CAPTOR was awarded Future Investments launched in 2010 and has a funding of €10 million over five years by the National Research Agency.
This center of excellence is one of the main components of the medical and scientific project of Oncopole Toulouse. It benefit from all oncological skills of the University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, Toulouse University Hospital, the Institut Claudius Regaud, the Cancer Research Center of Toulouse present in the University Hospital Cancer of Toulouse and industrial partners present on the Langlade site and a start-up network .
This organization was able to anticipate the future directions of the cancer Plan 2014-2018 announced in early December, confirms that "the transfer of scientific discoveries accelerates the benefit of patients" as noted by the National Cancer Institute (Inca).
CAPTOR project is part of the dynamics of Oncopole Toulouse's creation.
CAPTOR will contribute to the presence on the same site of a dedicated cancer hospital (the University Institute of Cancer/IUCT-O, opening in 2014 with a capacity of 300 beds), a large academic research center (the Cancer Research Centre of Toulouse / CRCT, UMRINSERM 1037, opened in 2014 with 12 teams for a total of more than 200 people), large industrial research centers and a rich network of biotechnology companies.
CAPTOR focuses on the anticancer drug and is organized around four themes:
«Innovation» focus or the search for new drugs
Moderated by Dr. Jean Jacques FOURNIÉ, this theme is dedicated to the discovery of new molecules after several steps including the definition of new targets, screening molecules from the chemical industry partners’ heritage, and development of preclinical models. Several themes will be developed taking into account the site's potential, sanitary needs and perspectives of industrial development. Priority will be given to drugs targeting the tumor cell metabolism, the immune response of the patient, and some enzymes tyrosine kinases ensuring the survival and proliferation of cancer cells.
« Clinical research » focus
Around these new drugs in continuity with the work of international significance undertaken in recent years by Toulouse teams in the field of hematology (myeloma, leukemia) and cancer (especially breast cancer but also cancer of the colon, lung, skin, urological sphere, ENT, brain, etc.).This axis is directed by Professor Michel ATTAL, international specialist in multiple myeloma and Director of the Centre for the Fight against Cancer, Claudius Regaud.It should benefit from the dynamism of IUC-related teams in the phases III field (studies comparing different types of drugs or association) but also in the phases I and II field (evaluation of all new drugs in limited numbers), a continuation of efforts in this field for several years by the ICR.
A research focus in « social Pharmacology »
Or drugs in real life that aims to assess the course of anti-cancer drugs on the market and in particular the conditions of use, side effects not detected by the Phase III studies, the real risk-benefit ratio, as well as consequences of social inequalities on access to these drugs and methods of administration.This axis is in the tradition of Toulouse social pharmacology and takes advantage of the experience of the monitoring of patients at home developed in the Toulouse University Hospital Hematology Unit ( "Outpatients Assistance " telemedicine project/ AMA) . This theme is directed by Professor Guy LAURENT in collaboration with the Professor MONTASTRUC's team, researchers in social sciences and nurses team coordinators.
« Education/Training» Focus
Led by Professors Roland BUGAT and Elie SERRANO. Responding to the need for new professions in the 3 above mentioned components : Training in biological sciences and engineering in the continuity of the Graduate School of Biology's work , Health and Biotechnology, clinical research (technicians and researchers, academic physicians, industry executives), training new professions related to sustainable management of patients (professional masters open to healthcare personnel and social workers) and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge
- Training in the methodology of clinical trials in oncology (clinical investigator staff, industry executive) and training for new professions.
- Professional masters, university degree, serious games open to personal care and social workers to support sustainable patients.
- Professional license "administration and management of clinical databases"
- Summer school on the drug in partnership with the scientific Barcelona Park School and the University of Montreal and scientific mediation for high school students
The CAPTOR project is ranked 1st tied with a Parisian consortium (PACRI project) by an independent panel of international experts gathered under the authority of the National Research Agency.
CAPTOR's success is a recognition by the French government of the quality of Oncopole Toulouse's medical and scientific project, the potential of the constituent teams and their response areas (chemistry, biology, medicine, social sciences).
The success of CAPTOR is also the University Paul Sabatier, project leader, more than half of the staff involved in this project are academics or hospital-academics..
Contact :
CAPTOR is the framework, the starting point of Oncopole. The forces are grouped on the same site and share the same organization. It brings a real structure to the teams involved and this certification will give a strong impetus to the project.

"Financing CAPTOR project by the National Research Agency is a vote of confidence of the government as regards the Toulouse Cancer research, a bonus for innovation in terms of research basic, clinical and societal applied to cancer, and an honor for laboratories and private research, CHU Toulouse and Institut Claudius Regaud."
Guy Laurent, Professor of Hematology at the University Hospital of Toulouse, leader of the CAPTOR scientific project.