Activities at the Cancer University Institute of Toulouse Oncopole
To carry out its mission of research and care, and thus respect the continuum for a faster and affordable therapeutic innovation, IUCT Oncopole is organized around specific expertise and coordinated actions. For the first time, a single hospital provides care for solid tumors and hematologic malignancies. Activities of public cancer treated within the IUCT-Oncopole: Hematology; cancer surgery in women; ENT Cancers; melanoma; some sarcomas, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and brachytherapy.
The objectives of the IUCT Oncopole
The IUCT which includes the 3 IUCTs "Oncopole/Rangueil/Purpan", wished to join forces against cancer.
Healthcare, research, innovation, education, relationships with partners are the missions IUCT.
Oncopole IUCT-ambition has as an ambition to:
- Improve the management of cancers in Occitanie
- Facilitate patient access to diagnosis and therapeutic innovations
- Accelerate their treatment, - Optimize early treatment of cancers,
- Streamline Toulouse public care supply by a division of specialties between CHU and IUC
- Promote cancer research in all its forms,
- Develop strong partnerships with manufacturers and biotechnology companies,
- Support university training of doctors and nurses in connection with the PRES*.
- Develop communication towards professionals and the general public,
Research and healthcare
Research activities and care are organized for overall management of both patients and disease. With Oncomip network, each patient is taken care of closer to home, and can benefit from the expertise of the IUC Oncopole whenever necessary. Some services are specific to IUC Oncopole and others, such as access to diagnostic and therapeutic platforms shared between different healthcare facilities.
Specialties which are covered by other types of tumor diseases are distributed among the different institutions of the Toulouse CHU.
Information, prevention, support
Improving the quality of life in patients, anticipating the consequences of treatment, the issues of reintegration and rehabilitation are also key issues. That is why every effort will be made to inform, support and patients and their families.
Education and training
The objective is to promptly disseminate advanced medical findings to professionals and students, and to benefit the patient more quickly. Thus IUCT Oncopole developed OncoResonance, a school of knowledge and careers in oncology. Three main missions characterize this device:
- Analyze the development of business standards and qualifications of employees according to expressed needs,
- Produce teaching of modules for continuing education, make them available to all professionals involved,
- Contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and facilitate cross-fertilization between the particular engineering and socio-health professions, to promote life skills and new knowledge.
« As part of the Cancer University Institute of Toulouse Oncopole, CHU and Claudius Regaud Institute share the same ambition to become major players in the field of cancer at European level. . . The Oncopole environment allow us to become even better than we are.»
« The hospital is one of the major players in the field of cancer. It will increase its business through partnership with the Claudius Regaud Institute within the Toulouse Oncopole Cancer University Institute. This partnership is based on the division of roles and diseases between the two institutions. »

« The vocation of the IUCT-Oncopole Toulouse is to become an internationally recognized center of expertise and excellence. Already, he has what it takes to achieve this goal. »
Michel ATTAL, Director of the Claudius Regaud Institute