The Foundation Toulouse Cancer Santé
The Toulouse Cancer Santé Foundation, created by Amgen, GlaxoSmithKline, Pierre Fabre, Siemens and Total companies, has been recognized as a public utility by the Decree of 5 May 2006, as part of the national system for funding research and innovation
Objective: Promote and fund medical research, in particular the fight against cancer.
Missions: Allow from the tremendous potential of the Toulouse Cancer campus, the unique combination of four generic technologies: infotechnologies, nanotechnology, biotechnology and radiotherapy and imaging techniques.
Means of action:
A multidisciplinary approach, InNaBioSanté finances innovative and complementary projects at the intersection of technology and life sciences:
- Call for projects, private/public research programs & partnerships,
- Technological platforms,
- "Chairs of Excellence" to attract to Toulouse researchers from international level,
Toulouse Cancer Santé supports:
- Creation of innovative companies by strengthening links between research organizations and industrial sector,
- Young researchers in centers of excellence during their studies - in France and abroad,
Toulouse Cancer Santé organizes:
- Study days, national or international conferences.
Example: Genclis and of breast cancer screening.
The Toulouse Cancer Santé Foundation during its first call for proposals in 2007, selected and funded with €1 million the MODIC project submitted by Genclis.
Results: The start-up was able to fund the concept of its breakthrough innovation, demonstrate that the early detection test of breast cancer was more than 95% reliable among women with a family history.
Based on these findings, published in 2009, Genclis could raise €10 million in 2010 with capital riskers. It goes on from a partnership with the Institut Claudius Regaud via a study involving 500 women in Midi-Pyrenees whose results will be published shortly.
Learn more about the Foundation Toulouse Cancer Santé :

« Tomorrow's medical research will require unprecedented collaboration between disciplines. It will require partnerships that transcend borders, cultures, science and knowledge. The Toulouse Cancer Santé Foundation, alongside the Oncopole Toulouse intends to take up this challenge at European and international level.»
Philippe Douste-Blazy, Chairman of the Toulouse Cancer Santé Foundation