An ethics campus
In addition to the basic ethical rules applied in the context of clinical research, Oncopole displays its ultimate objective to experience together, the values of ethics. This overall commitment takes the form of 10 specific commitments, including respect and transparency as key words.
A code of ethics in 10 points
- Support in respect of the human person, the development of innovations and healthcare practices
- Contribute to the transparency and quality of information and communication
- Promote ethical values, scientific integrity and good research practices
- Promote trust between the public and the Oncopole institutions
- Contribute to national and international ethical trade in the field of Oncopole's competences
- Promote equity in access to prevention, healthcare, research and innovation
- Create the conditions for ethics dialogue promoting synergies between the different structures of Oncopole
- Anticipate the emergence of ethical issues and be able to respond to the efforts of the Oncopole in this area
- Identify, promote and disseminate the ethical practices of Oncopole
- Public awareness and involvement in the ethical reflection Oncopole