Calls for projects

Research teams, biotechnology companies, associations ... You are project leader, will find below calls for timely or ongoing projects, in connection with "cancer".

Innovation for the exploration of the dynamics of living, as well as the diagnosis & therapy

  • Interdisciplinary research projects - permanent AAP
  • Presented by the Institute of Advanced Technologies in Life Sciences (ITAV - USR 3505 CNRS) in Toulouse.

Benefit from powerful technological resources, interdisciplinary research labs, the proximity of the business incubator to mature your academic or business project.

More information about the tenders teams - ITAV projects 

Project support for the development of innovative solutions and technologies carried out by SMEs and ETI: OncoSan'Tech

Relevant areas:

  • diagnosis (imaging, blood tests ...)
  • Cancer Therapeutic
  • monitoring of patients with cancer and chronic diseases, and management of side effects

Three projects were selected in the first Call for collaborative research projects and OncoSan'Tech development launched by the State (DIRECCTE Midi-Pyrénées) and the Urban Community of Toulouse Métropole in March 2013.
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