Technology platforms at the Cancer University Institute of Toulouse Oncopole
The University Cancer Institute of Toulouse - Oncopole is equipped with diagnostic and therapeutic techniques platforms with the latest technologies, research and innovation equipment.
The IUCT-Oncopole allows to create a momentum towards innovation:
- Ensure healthcare quality.
- Provide access to therapeutic innovation.
- All departments and technical platforms have a research mission to at least a national level.
- Welcome new physicians and researchers on strong and selected topics with an international Scientific Council.
- A key to the optimization of care lies in the availability of biological tissue or tumor in which the tumor-specific molecular abnormalities will serve as a basis for therapeutic and monitoring.
- The IUCT-Oncopole has a pathology, molecular biology, and cancer genetics platform (with possible access to private regional structures)
- The IUCT-Oncopole working close with research laboratories working on these issues on tissue culture and animal tumors
Technical platforms of IUCT-Oncopole shall include:
- An operating unit with 7 rooms and 2 brachytherapy rooms,
- An intensive care and monitoring unit,
- A technical radiotherapy platform (7 bunkers): Radiotherapy, stereotactic radiotherapy, ...,
- A nuclear medicine and brachytherapy technical platform,
- A medical diagnosis imaging platform,
- a biology lab,
- A pathology service,
- A platform of virtual microscopy
- A specialized oncology pharmacy,
- A cell therapy platform via the French Blood Establishment on the site.
- A consultation platform: 70,000 consultations per year
- Anatomopathology Department : 100 people
- Radiotherapy department: 6 devices offering all modern improvements
- Imaging department: radiology, breast radio imaging, nuclear medicine
- Pharmacy: chemotherapy preparation, pharmacology